Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Amelie's Birth Story

Amelie was born November 14th 2010 at 4:18pm weighing 8lbs 7oz and 21inches long. She was born beautiful, healthy, and strong!
Here is her Labor and Delivery Story:
My water broke at 4:45am. I woke up having to go to the bathroom. When I stood up from bed a thought maybe I accidentally peed myself. Went to the bathroom and realized my water broke. I went over to our bed and woke up Matt with "Matt, my water just broke. We are going to the hospital in one hour."
We got packed and headed to the hospital. But first, we stopped off to get breakfast at McDonald's. We got to the hospital a little before 7am. I was 4cm dilated and contractions were starting to get strong. Within an hour everything changed. I told the nurses I was going to try to do a natural non-medicated birth. That changed in 5 minutes with contractions started coming back to back and very strong. I could feel them everywhere in my torso from stomach to back. I never imagined I could be in that much pain. I don't know how women have natural births. I was grateful to have an epidural. The anesthesiologist came and painfully on the 4th try he was finally successful in placing the catheter for the epidural. At 9am I was 6cm dilated and very comfortable. By 11:45 they checked and I was 10cm dilated. We were all surprised at this as it all happened so fast. They said we would start pushing at 1pm and we did. I was having to get medication every hour as it was going thru me so quickly.
We started pushing at 1:15pm and I pushed for 3 hours. Originally they thought she was facing the right direction, even though progress was very slow. Once we got to the last few pushes everything got very hectic for about 30 seconds. The doctor realized the baby's shoulder was stuck so they quickly got me flat on the bed, two nurses got onto the bed and started pushing hard on my stomach to help get the baby out. I was screaming as the pain became really strong in my back when they laid the bed flat. Thankfully they pulled Amelie out and laid her on my stomach. I tried to look at her but I was so exhausted I could barely lift my head. I saw Matt cut the umbilical cord and follow Amelie to the baby table to get quickly checked. I heard her crying and was grateful to hear her cries. Amelie was fine, she just had some bruising on her elbow and bottom. They brought Amelie to me and I held her as Matt and I bonded with our brand new baby girl. The emotions I felt were mostly of amazement. I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea that I had just given birth to this beautiful baby. It seemed so unreal. Matt recorded our first moments together as he was glowing with pride. We were excited to see that she had thick dark hair. She actually looked a little Asian with her eyes. We realized she has the same shape eyes that Matt had as a baby and toddler.
Although labor was difficult and crazy at times, we had a wonderful nursing staff and Dr. Elizabeth McClure did a wonderful job caring for us and making sure Amelie was safe. We are very grateful and blessed that all was well during labor and delivery.

Me and Amelie just after her birth.
Matt showing off Amelie's foot print on his forearm.